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Northern Air Temple

The Air Nomads at the Air Temple's were a peaceful society that dwelled at high altitudes in temples, and traveled the world on their cherished flying bison's.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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Southern Air Temple

The Air Nomads at the Air Temple's were a peaceful society that dwelled at high altitudes in temples, and traveled the world on their cherished flying bison's.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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Western Air Temple

The Air Nomads at the Air Temple's were a peaceful society that dwelled at high altitudes in temples, and traveled the world on their cherished flying bison's.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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Eastern Air Temple

The Air Nomads at the Air Temple's were a peaceful society that dwelled at high altitudes in temples, and traveled the world on their cherished flying bison's.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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Water Tribe

Due to relentless attacks on the Southern Water Tribe by the Fire Nation, the Northern Water Tribe constitutes the majority of the remaining waterbenders. The Southern Water Tribe has been attacked by the fire nation, leaving only Katara as the last water bender in the south.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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Earth Kingdom

The Earth Kingdom has long withstood encroachments on their borders in the Fire Nation's century-long imperialist war.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
18search for the m...
Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:05 pm
Iwayama View latest post
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Fire Nation

The Fire Nation is home to an order of men and women who practice firebending, the pyrokinetic ability to create and control fire and lighning.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
344You gathered the...
Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:50 am
eteraxBe  View latest post
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Fire Nation Colonies

The Fire Nation is home to an order of men and women who practice firebending, the pyrokinetic ability to create and control fire and lighning.
Moderator: RPG Moderator
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