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 Hayato the son of the fire lord

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Posts : 61
Join date : 2008-08-06
Age : 31
Location : Fire Nation

Hayato the son of the fire lord Empty
PostSubject: Hayato the son of the fire lord   Hayato the son of the fire lord EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 11:22 am



Pet:None right now

Looks:Hayato the son of the fire lord 4


Country:Fire Nation ( good)

Village/City/Temple:Fire Nation Palace

Bender:Fire Bender

Personality: Hayato is a laid back person who is attractive.

Figthing Style/Skills:Northern Shaolin Kung Fu

History/Background Story:Hayato was born with this weird deformity. He was able to control white fire instead of red. His father was impressed. Since he was the fire lord his son had great opportunities to be whatever he desired. Hayato has great bending ability. But his father is evil and wants to make the whole world fire nation. So Hayato secretly escaped the evil part of the fire nation. Hayato's father knows of this and does not care for his child. But he has sworn to kill his son the next time he sees him.Hayato has foiled ten of his father's invasion at the moment. The last time he foiled his invasion Hayato stole his father's sword that can cut anything. When Hayato kills his father he will become fire lord and promises to lead the fire nation and the world in peace.Hayato also hopes to join forces with avatar and become a member of the white lotus as he gets older.At the moment Hayato is trying to learn lightning.

Last edited by Hayato on Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 25
Join date : 2008-07-25
Age : 33
Location : Fire Nation

Hayato the son of the fire lord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayato the son of the fire lord   Hayato the son of the fire lord EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 11:38 am

Looks good APPROVED!
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Posts : 61
Join date : 2008-08-06
Age : 31
Location : Fire Nation

Hayato the son of the fire lord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayato the son of the fire lord   Hayato the son of the fire lord EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 11:50 am

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